Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Let's Just Say This Post is Untitled

Hello everyone! Another long gap between my last post and this. And again, it's because of school things. But now, here I am and I'm gonna tell you some of the things that's been going on in my life, or my brain. Here they are :

1. Final exams
Yes I've been having final exams since 3 weeks ago until next week. Yep, you got it right. It means 4 weeks of final exams. 4 weeks of reading big and heavy text books. 4 weeks of losing sleep. But don't worry, there are some days off between the tests, like today (that's why I can finally get in touch with you again).

2. Post-Concert Depression Syndrome
I've told you about the ARTTM-HM-TDF concert before. And yes it's been 16 days after that day and I still have PCDS. This is mostly because the band members are so nice to us, Indonesians. For example, David from TDF made his first tattoo here, why? He said, because he wanted to remember that night. A Rocket to The Moon also posted a video of their trip to Jakarta and it's just so sweet. You can check it out here. But the sweetest thing ever had come from Halvo, the bassist of ARTTM. Why? Last night my friend posted this link from tumblr. And when I opened it, it was this....

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I mean, uyhwdbsjncjchkasjkhdsdsjdnsd that is just too sweet :")

3. The Yearbook
It has finally printed and distributed. I'm so proud to be a part of it. Well done my friends :)

4. The Way It Was
That's the title of Parachute's new album, and I'm soo in love with it. All the songs in it are just so addictive. Check out their Something to Believe In and You and Me music video if you haven't already!

I guess those are all the things you've missed. Yes, there are nothing important or interesting in my life so far since it has been so flat and boring lately. Oh yeah, I also need that cruel-yet-important-thing-called-money. ASAP!!!! There are so many things I want to buy, but I just don't have the money. Well, there are so much money in the world while there are so little in my pocket *sigh*

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Monday, 16 May 2011

Cenat Cenut? Oh Yeaah!

Check out my guest post at Scenic Glory here


Hello everyone! I haven’t been blogging for so long since I’ve been kind of busy with school. That means I had no time for blogging and also, there was nothing worth blog about in my life. But you know what? There’s finally one thing to talk about here. And that is about...

THE DOWNTOWN FICTION, HEY MONDAY, AND A ROCKET TO THE MOON Live in Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta, on May 14th 2011!

Yep, I was there. I went there with my friend, Daniya, and met some more friends there. We were so excited that we arrived there about 2.15 pm and guess what? There were already many people there. I was like ‘Gosh would we make it to the front row?’ and turned out, we didn’t. But the good thing is I still got the almost-center-of-the-stage spot on the fifth row. And at the end of the concert, I made it to the center-of-the-stage spot on the third row. Weird thing is, I wasn’t even trying to get there. The crowd was just so crazy that I was pushed and pushed until I got that better spot. Lucky me! :)

The first band who showed up on stage was The Downtown Fiction (TDF). I’ve heard about them since like 8 months ago or so, after I watched JakJam2010 concert. There were some admins of TDFIndonesia who gave pamflets about that band, then I downloaded their songs, and I liked it. Then a couple of months later I heard that they were going to come and I was like 'man how could it happen when some bands I've been longing to see since a couple years ago haven't come yet?!' Anyway, how was the concert, you ask? That was sick!! Not only because TDF rocked the stage (and the fact that their vocalist and guitarist, Cameron and David, looked soo cute and adorable), the crowd went super duper crazy and made me feel kinda sick. Well I guess that’s what happen at a concert of a band whose name of their newest album is ‘Let’s Be Animals!’. The crowd acted brutally just like animals. Lesson learned. Haha :p

Cameron Leahy <3

Their performance was great, but it got a lot better when Cameron said ‘Terima kasih Jakarta! Cenat-cenut? Oh yeaah!’ I laughed so hard haha. ‘Terima kasih Jakarta!’ means ‘Thank you Jakarta!’ and I can’t really tell what ‘Cenat cenut’ means, but it’s from the lyrics of an Indonesian band, SM*SH, which is currently famous here. So it really cracked Indonesians up. Also, he said ‘Unyuu!’ which is another word that I can’t explain to you, but believe me, if you’re an Indonesian and you heard them saying that word, you’ll go ‘WHAAT? HAHAHHA!’. Cameron also said ‘I guarantee you, we would never forget this night!’ Woohooo!

The second band who rocked the stage was Hey Monday. This might be the performance I enjoyed the most because the crowd acted normally. Sure we jumped on their upbeat songs but it’s totally normal, right? I really like it when the the atmosphere turned mellow when they played ‘Hangover’, then all of a sudden there was only Cassade, the vocalist, on the stage and she gave us some love tips. It was cute. And what’s best is, after the tips, she sang my favorite song of their band that I never thought they would sing, which is ‘6 Months’. Oooh I love that!

Cassade Pope

And one important thing you have to know is, the touring member of the band who played bass, Chris Gentile (yes he’s from the band Rumour Has It), is so freaking gorgeous!

Chris Gentile <3

Then it’s time for the last band to perform. This last band is the one I love the most so I was pretty excited. I guess most of the people who watched it agreed with me, cause by the time Hey Monday left the stage, the crowd went crazier than ever that me and a lot of other people on my row felt down just like cards. You get it, right? Thank God when the band, A Rocket to the Moon, showed up, the crowd seemed to agree that we were there to enjoy the show, so we acted normal again.

Their performance is the best of all. I stood there only two people away (if the gap between the first row and the stage isn't counted) from Nick Santino whose smile is so overwhelming. He seemed so pleased to be there.

Nick Santino <3

And Eric Halvorsen looked super cute. Oh my baby Halvoo! He said 'Aku cinta Jakartaa!' which means 'I love Jakarta!' and I just wanted to say 'we love you too!'

Eric Halvorsen <3

At the end, I feel so happy. I just watched three awesome bands performed and they were totally rocking it! It would have been a lot better if after the show I waited long enough so I can met them again when they greeted the fans, but it was still awesome. I didn't take any pictures there because I didn't bring a pocket camera and my phone was running out of battery. Yeah I know, silly. Another silly thing is, I don't have a converse so I always wear a flat shoes everytime I watch a concert (I speak like this as if I have been to a lot of concerts while actually this is only my third concert haha). What's sillier is, I wore my brand new soft pink shoes and after the show it looked like this

Well, it was worth the fun! :D

P.S : All of the concert photos were found at arditop's flickr, the man behind FotoKonser.com