Thursday, 27 October 2011

Happy National Blogger Day!

I know I'm such a bad blogger (if I still may use that word to describe myself - blogger) since I haven't posted anything for quite a long time, but today is National Blogger Day here in Indonesia and I feel the urge to write something here. So now I'm gonna write down some things (I think) only bloggers could ever get. If I'm a good blogger I wouldn't talk about anything but the topic I've chosen right? But since we all know I'm so good at being out to topic....... well, let's just see.

First of all, since I become a blogger, I've been getting some lovely new friends. It might sound cheesy and stuffs but you guys have been here through all these crazy things in my life that I share here. You've been giving me your support through the hard times, some advices when I get cluless, and hope when I feel like giving up. You make me feel strong, like I can conquer anything. Thank you so much.

Next, I've been watching some of you bloggers get better and better at blogging. The ones who used to only post pictures, now can finally express theirself through writing. The ones who used to post pointless things can now write a tremendous essay. The ones who knew nothing about HTML can now make a beautiful web design. And so on.

I might not be improving as much as some of you do, but I believe I've slightly changed. I didn't realize blogging has quite a big effect until I stopped. The longer time I spend without writing anything at all here, the harder it gets for me to start writing. Yes it's true that if we write often, even though we don't have any blogs, our writing skills would be improved. But the big question is, will you finish your writing when you don't even know what to do with it after you write it? Well the answers may vary but for me, it's a no.

After that, blogging has been helping me increase my knowledge. Reading the blogs of people who have the same interest with me does really broaden my horizon. For example, through blogs I now know some awesome songs I would never hear on the radio, recipes I'd been trying to find on my recipe books but I couldn't find, some tear dropping movies that would never be played on the cinemas, and so on.

When you get so many infos from other bloggers, it makes you feel like you have to give them something back. Sharing some infos with other bloggers has always been fun. That's what will make you a better researcher. That way you'll get more informations that you can share and once again, it will broaden your horizon.

And the most important thing is, you can just be yourself. No matter what, there's always someone out there who's just like you and will relate to your writings. You might have to try to fit in at school that you end up not being like yourself, but here you'll be appreciated for who you are.

There they are, some things people can get through blogging. I know there are a lot of other benefits from blogging, maybe you can share me your own thoughts here. Good bye people! Have a nice day!