Wednesday, 4 January 2012


Woohoo it's 2012 already. Do you know what it means to me? That in less than 6 months I'll take a lot of tests, and by a lot of tests I mean never-ending-tests-that-(possibly)-will-drive-me-crazy, and if they go well, then I'm gonna graduate, end enter university. I hope I'm gonna make it to my dream university.

This year I don't really make a resolution list since based on my experience, I've always abandoned my list after the first couple weeks of the new year. But I still have some goals, like of course, get better scores at school and study harder so I can get into ITB (my dream university, at least until now). Other than that, I hope I'm gonna be able to pray harder, getting closer to God, be nicer, and just simply be happier.

Anyway, I've been bored with my blog's look. So since it's my first post this year, I think it's a perfect time to change it. Here's the difference between how my blog looks before and how it looks now

At first I wanted to use brown as the main color of my new layout, but I just love purple so much, what can I do? And I want something that looks more simple than the previous one, so I changed me header font and only used one colors instead of three. I'm also not using the tape strip again that I used as a background of my twitter, Facebook, and tumblr link image. I'm using a simple box now instead. So what do you think of it?