Anyway, no more school for me (hopefully). Yeah sure I'll have to go to courses everyday and study and study and study even harder to get into the university I want, but I've refused to start studying during this one week break that I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna have anymore in quite a while. And so, I made this list of the things I want to do this week.
So far, I've done half of those things. Let's see. I've been watching a lot of movies since day 1 of this break. I've tried to make chocolate lava and it was quite a success. I went to a theme park which called Dufan on Thursday with five friends of mine. And yes, I've done some shopping during this break. I know that I still have four more things to do but I'm pretty happy with what I've done. Hopefully I'll finish this to-do-list soon.
At first I wanted to share you a story about my visit to Dufan with my friends and maybe show you a couple of pictures, but I have to get ready to go to my sister's house so..... maybe later. Bye!