Saturday, 28 April 2012

Hello Again!

So after taking a 3 months break of this whole blogging world, I am finally back. So many things had happened since January. For example, in February I was hospitalized for five days, I'm no longer 17-last month I turned 18 and despite the fact that my father was not in town, I have to admit it was quite a delightful birthday-, and the big thing is, I'm happy to announce that national examination is now finally just a memory since it already happened. And that is why I can be here again today. Even though I didn't study all the time (I really did not), taking some time to wrote something here would just make me feel guilty.

Anyway, no more school for me (hopefully). Yeah sure I'll have to go to courses everyday and study and study and study even harder to get into the university I want, but I've refused to start studying during this one week break that I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna have anymore in quite a while. And so, I made this list of the things I want to do this week.

So far, I've done half of those things. Let's see. I've been watching a lot of movies since day 1 of this break. I've tried to make chocolate lava and it was quite a success. I went to a theme park which called Dufan on Thursday with five friends of mine. And yes, I've done some shopping during this break. I know that I still have four more things to do but I'm pretty happy with what I've done. Hopefully I'll finish this to-do-list soon.

At first I wanted to share you a story about my visit to Dufan with my friends and maybe show you a couple of pictures, but I have to get ready to go to my sister's house so..... maybe later. Bye!


  1. i wish i could go to the theme park too

  2. thts a lot of things to do :p enjoy tho!

  3. Hope had a great weekend. xoxo

  4. happy weekend sist^^
    i've follow you..
    follow back please.. ^^
