Friday, 16 July 2010

Sorry for the Lack of Updates :(

I copied it from Usha's tumblr

1. Hello and who might you be? Hello, I’m Hermione Granger.

2. What is your age? Sixteen.

3. What is your dream job? Architect :D Or anything design-related.

4. What is your current favorite song? FTSK - Believe Me I'm Lying.

5. Do you burn songs to CDs or buy them? Both of them.

6. Can you play an instrument? ............... :'(

7. Do you think guys who play guitar are hot? Not always, but it makes a good point.

8. What celebrity are you obsessed with? Nick Jonas, Kris Allen, Cory Monteith, Tom Felton, and so many other celebrities.

9. Have you ever gotten in huge trouble in school? I don't think so.

10. What do you use on your hair? Veil

11. Would you ever or have you ever had a snake? Never. I;m not Lord Voldemort, you know.

12. What do you do when you see a roach? Try to stay away from it as far I can.

13. Have you ever met a celebrity and where? Yes, Desi Ratnasari, Gita Gutawa, Erwin Gutawa, Tasya, Sherina Munaf.... But if you meant by 'celebrity' means people who are famous all around the world, then the answer is Boys Like Girls. I met the band at their concert in Jakarta.

14. What do you do on rainy days? Leha-leha

15. Are you close with your parents? :D

16. Are your best friends attractive? ;)

17. Have you ever been to DisneyLand? Nahh too bad.

18. Do you want to get married? Where? Of course, but I haven't thought about where do I want to get married.

19. Do you want children? Yep :D

20. Do you like salad? Yep

21. What do you hate in people? Don't really know.

22. What are your favorite books? Harry Potter :')

23. What’s your favorite youtube video? Bounce, maybe.

24. Have you ever been to an aquarium? Yes.

25. Are you more interested in guys with long hair or short hair? Not-so-short short hair

26. Do you have a boyfriend? Nope

27. If yes, what is the nicest thing he’s ever said to you? ---

28. How did you guys meet? ---

29. If no, do you like being single? Yep

30. Are you crushing on someone? I adore someone, but it's not a crush ;)

31. Are you a serious person or a goofy person? It depends on my mood.

32. Have you ever seen a guy with red hair? Some alay I met at.... don't know, I forgot.

33. Isn’t Rupert Grint hot? He's cool <3>

34. Do you have a phone? Yes.

35. Do you like it? With all my heart.

36. Can you dance? Stupid crazy dance? Yes I can. In my own room. Alone. (Y)

37. If you have a boyfriend, can he dance? ---

38. What is the most common grade you’ve gotten in school? zzzz please don't talk about it. -___-

39. Do you speak any other language? Hmm English and maybe... a little bit... Deutsch -_-

40. Do you like straight or curly hair? Wavy

41. How much money do you got on you? It's my privacy. But I;ll tell you, it's not much, really -__-

42. What’s your favorite movie? There are so many of them.

43. Have you ever read the Bible? Nope.

44. Have you ever seen a ghost or experienced anything paranormal? Nope

45. Do you drink or smoke? Nope

46. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried or peed yourself? Yep, I cried, but I don't think I peed too.

47. Have you ever fought with someone online? Yes.

48. Have you ever sang in public? Nope.

49. Have you ever broken or lost something expensive? Yes :(

50. Talked to someone over the phone for more than 6 hours? NOOOOO hahahhaa just like Usha's wanser, 'I still have a life.'

51. Where have you traveled to? Nowhere too special.

52. Do you get birthday presents? Yeah

53. Do you have any younger siblings? Yupsie. A little brother named Zaki ;)

54. Have you ever caught anything on fire? As long as I can remember, no.

55. Have you ever dated someone who was mean to you? Nope

56. Can you cook? Just a little

57. Have you ever hated a siblings boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope.

58. Aren’t British accents hot? Yep :D

59. Who do you talk to the most throughout the day? Myself (Can't you see how freak I am? -_-)

60. What kind of soap do you use? What? You want to use it too? -_-

61. What annoys you most in life? Anger

62. What is one thing you won’t clean? My room. I want it to be clean, I just don't want to do it myself -__-

63. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Turn off my alarm.

64. Have you and your friends ever made up your own word? Yeaah, I'm a daydreamer, right? ;)

65. What did your prom dress look like? A dark green dress with some big 'manik-manik' on the top.

66. Can you date someone who smells really bad but is attractive? ..

67. What kind of cereal do you like? Koko Krunch

68. Have you ever considered being a vegetarian? Nope, I don't really like vegetables -_-

69. Are you excited for anything? Getting into SAPPK ITB :D

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