Thursday, 8 December 2011

Just A Little Something

Have you ever pushed yourself too hard to get something or to somewhere, that you ended up not caring about anything else? You forgot to have fun, did the things that you actually love, just because you thought you have to get to that somewhere. And by the time you got there, you realized it's not somewhere you need to be at nor want to. It was just somewhere you thought you should be at, because everyone else was telling you that. Have you ever gone through that? No? Well then, lucky you!

1 comment:

  1. lol, i heard about this quite a lot. my friends did experience it n they told me how difficult to get through this kind of situation. i, myself haven't been into this thing, but i do hope the best for you n i believe a way out is waiting in the corner if you trust in God :) good luck!

