Saturday, 29 May 2010

The Super TerSudut Class

Seorang murid di SMAN 8 Jakarta tanpa alasan yang jelas naik ke lantai 3 di lorong kelas internasional. Lalu, ketika ia melewati suatu kelas, lebih tepatnya kelas pertama yang ia lewati di sebelah kirinya, ia mendengar seorang murid di kelas tersebut berteriak ‘Yang di.. SUDUUT' dan teman-temannya langsung menanggapi 'CIe CIe CIEE’ dengan intonasi yang aneh dan dilebih-lebihkan. Ia hanya mengangkat alisnya sebelah dan terus berjalan. Terus dan terus dia berjalan, tetapi suara di heboh dari kelas yang tadi ia lewati tidak juga mereda, malah semakin menjadi-jadi, akhirnya ia penasaran dan memutuskan untuk kembali melewati kelas tersebut.

Saat ia melewati kelas tersebut lagi, ia mendengar ada anak mengatakan "Ca^cad' dan seseorang menjawab ‘Konyol dah lu’ lalu ruangan itu dipenuhi dengan berbagai jenis tawa yang aneh. Ia semakin penasaran lalu mengintip ke dalam kelas tersebut. Ia kaget saat melihat betapa banyaknya murid yang ada di kelas itu, padahal kelas itu terletak di lorong kelas internasional. Ia melihat nama kelas itu. Pantas saja, kelas itu bukanlah kelas internasional, tetapi kelas tersebut terpisah dari kelas-kelas lain dan tersudutkan di lantai 3 dekat kelas internasional. Murid tersebut berpikir, untung saja dia bukan merupakan murid kelas tersebut.

Sementara itu di dalam kelas, murid-murid bersyukur mereka diletakkan di kelas tersebut dan terharu membayangkan bagaimana jadinya kalau mereka pisah kelas nanti.

Oh yeah I was, and I am, talking about X-G. Satu-satunya kelas regular yang ada di lorong kelas internasional. Satu-satunya kelas yang memanggil anggotanya dengan sebutan ‘Alay 01-Alay 40’. Kelas yang saking solidnya sampe ga ada yang masuk aksel, ga ada yang ikut waktu ada acara ke US. Kelas yang baru mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya buat FBI H-1. Kelas yang awalnya ga kompak dan bikin murid-murid di dalam kelas tersebut ga betah, tapi akhirnya malah membuat semuanya ga mau pisah, nangis di hari terakhir.

Banyak banget kenangan di X-G. Di bawah ini mengutip dari blognya Ajet.
SERU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rasanya gue blm siap gak bakal denger Togar ngomong "konyol dah lu" atau Robby "CIe, CIe, Cie" atau "suduuuuuttttt" atau afiq ngomong "CAcat" atau Aryo "Shearing" atau suara merdu avia atau permainan gitar/bass randy, bakoy, marsha, permainan piano riri dan irfan rafi, atau teriakan rifa, mitha, diva, atau muka childish ginta, atau ave si tukang gerak, atau lea yg tiba2 suka push-up sendiri, atau gak liat kekreatifan riri dan ima, atau roby si tukang kompor tapirajin, gak bakal di ajarin afiq, neska, dan irfan rafi. gak ada yg dibully kayak fahrur dan icha, gak ada yg bandeng kyk iqbal, pokoknya gak bisa disebutin satu2, dan gak ada lg gue jam setengan 7 kurang jalan ke lantai tiga mengarah ke kelas inter. huhuhuhuhu sedih..............................................................
Petra dan Anin yang kecantikannya ga kalah sama kealayannya. SI CruLEA De Vil yang suka ngebully dan ekspresinya suka datar dan suka ngerjain gue. Rifa yang suka manggil gue Koala. Neska yang sering bilang ‘LUCUU’ tanpa alasan yang jelas (haha). Omegle-an bareng-bareng lagi, bahkan sekelas pernah kompakan omegle-an atas nama Icha (pelopornya otomatis Lea hahha). Nyanyi ‘Cara cara cara’ lagi buat drama musical dan ganti-ganti jadi ‘chandra Chandra chandra’. Makan banyak di studionya Aryo. Nyari bahan-bahan FBI bareng Ajet, Irfan Rafi dan Jacko terus Irfan ngelawak tentang ‘tukang bambu tadi kayak kenek bus’. Bikin hashtag #XG dan #kenanganXG di twitter.

Ganti kelas otomatis ga akan duduk di sekitar orang-orang yanng sama. Ga bisa lagi duduk sebangku bareng si suara merdu Avia, di belakangnya si alay Anin dan si heboh Mitha, di depannya si alay Petra dan si kreatif Riri, di samping strong Lea dan si hati lembut Adila serta si solid Togar dan si Dion yang diam-diam menghanyutkan.

Pas kelompok gue syuting Oprah Radia terus sampe ke kampung-kampung dan foto-foto dengan tampang melas

Ini foto pertama kita yang bareng-bareng

Itu pertama kalinya kita berusaha untuk solid, atau at least terlihat solid. Kelas-kelas lain udah pada solid dan akrab semua terus ngeupload foto-fotonya di facebook, tapi kita ga. Akhirnya Mitha ngajakin kita foto sekelas pas lagi nunggu buat foto kartu pelajar.

Kalo ini foto kita di minggu terakhir masuk. Pas hari Senin. Disini kita beneran udah kompak, udah ga rela kalo mau dipisah, udah sedih ngebayangin ga akan denger kata-kata aneh yang awalnya justru kita ga suka.

X-G itu kelas tanpa kubu. Dipenuhi dengan berbagai jenis tawa yang aneh, unik, dan lebay. Dipenuhi dengan berbagai macam bahasa aneh. Dipenuhi dengan berbagai macam kealayan. Hahaha :'D

My X-Gold, X-Greatest, X-Galau, X-Gays, X-Gundah Gulana, X-Ghost, X-Gossip, I am X-Gonna-miss-you-all.

Keep alay and keep ciee!

Sunday, 23 May 2010

The One Thing All of Us Can Relate To

Here are some captured sweet moments, I do not own any copyright of these photos, I found these on deviantArt ;)

The love of a mother and a father.The love of your parents who've known you since you were born, it's worth more than anything.

Friendship. Can you imagine if you don't have any friends in this world? Or if you have many friends, but none of them are your besties. Will you feel adored? Will you feel loved? I don't think so.

Young love. It looks so sweet. Well it shows us that you've never been too young to understand love.

And you've never been too old either. It shows us that some love really never dies.

Oke oke this post is kinda pointless. I should probably stop babbling now. Hah. Byee

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Trying to Think Positively

I’m just a regular teenager with many things I wish I could have. Like I wanna have some good branded clothes, cute accessories, big room with many fancy furnitures, those new gadgets everyone’s talking about and some fun those teens do like hang out, go to the cinema or having a party. But well, I cannot have all of those things because as much as I want it, I cannot force my parents to buy me all the things on my wish list. Sometimes I have to think ‘which one do I need the most?’ or ‘which one do I really need NOW?’ then sometimes I can figure it out, or it can turns out that I don’t really need those things at all, I just WANT them.

There are so many things I think I needed but now I know I don’t need them. But still, I really want them all but I know I just can’t, so you know what I do? I’ve been planning to hunt some second-hand branded stuffs with my friends, so I can have those good things with such a low price.

Now, about the fun, since I’m going to the You-Have-to-Work-Hard-Everyday-If-You-Wanna-Survive kind of school and it’s one of the busiest school in the city so I cannot hang out as much as I used to and I want to. I miss my family, I miss cinema!! When I was in Junior High, I can go to the mall almost whenever I want it (and when my driver is home of course) –oh wait, I can even go the mall after school with my friends since on Thursday and Friday, my school ended at 12 o’clock. I also can go the cinema 2 times a month at least, and I can watch several DVDs per week. But now??? Hhh…

But I’ll try to think the positive things about being busy these times. It will pay off someday, I know it. Maybe I can finally get great scores on every test I do someday? Winning something at the science Olympiad maybe? Or even become a valedictorian? And the best think I ever want is I can go to the super-awesome-college like I always want to and become a very success female someday. I know all of them are so hard to achieve but I’ll work my ass off so I can get it! And you know what? I’m starting to love my full-day-work routine :)

So after all, I just want me and all of guys who are reading this, to believe that we can get all the things we need just maybe not with the way we want it. And believe me sometimes we only think about what we want and not what we need, just like me. There are many things I actually need which I didn’t think about before. I need to get into a great college so that I can be a success girl and make my dreams come true, so God put me in the school where there are so many smart and competitive friends so I’ll try to fight my laziness and get ready to face the real world of hard work! I need to love my family more so God give me the times when I miss them very much to know that I love them so much and I cant live without them. I need to find a way to know what things do I really need, so God give me a parents who wont give me all the things I want, and I can try to solve the problem, then I could know what are the things those are really matter for me. And I also realized

Some parents give their children branded clothes, some parents give a bedroom with a big space and a 5 star hotel facilities, some give a car to their child even though their child hasn't been 17 yet, but some parents don't give things like that easily, because they want to give you lessons. :)

By the end, I hope we all will be happy with the things we’re going through right now! I’m trying to be a positive thinker so I can be happy!! Wish me luck and.. have a nice day all! :)

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

BTB (Behind The Blog)

Heeey this is another blog of mine (the other one is Wishy Whoosy. On that blog, gue cuma ngetweet hal-hal ga penting dan ga mengumbar-ngumbar kehidupan gue sama sekali, ya palingan cuma wish list gue. That's why I call it 'Wishy Whoosy'. Tapi terus beberapa minggu lalu gue kepikir, biasanya kan orang bikin blog buat cerita-cerita tentang kehidupannya, jadi akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk bikin satu blog lagi. Nah, saat itu juga gue bikin another blog, tapi gue bingung mau nulis apa dan akhirnya baru nulis sekarang deh hehe. Gue cuma mau mengingatkan, this blog is not important at all, mungkin cuma akan berisi kumpulan-kumpulan hal ga jelas yang terjadi di sekitar gue.

Nah soal judul blognya, kenapa 'The Daydreamer'? Well karena gue emang suka banget berkhayal. According to wikipedia, daydream is..

"a visionary fantasy experienced while awake, especially one of happy, pleasant thoughts, hopes or ambitions."

Di wikipedia juga ditulis "While daydreams may include fantasies about future scenarios or plans, reminiscences about past experiences, or vivid dream-like images, they are often connected with some type of emotion."

Ya daydreaming is one thing that I never forget to do walaupun gue lagi bad mood. Words like 'What if...' and 'If only...' tuh sering banget lewat di pikiran gue. Maybe it seems like a waste of time, but actually it's not. Itu bisa membuat gue bahagia walaupun emang itu ga terjadi, tapi at least gue jadi ada semangat. Eric Klinger's research in the 1980s showed that over 75% of workers in "boring jobs", such as lifeguards and truck drivers, use vivid daydreams to "ease the boredom" of their routine tasks. Mungkin itu sebabnya kali ya gue suka mengkhayal, karena gue masih menjadi pelajar di salah satu SMA terkemuka di Jakarta yang tugasnya super banyak dan membuat jadwal jadi super sibuk (sook) haha ya gitu lah pokoknya. Ya udah segitu aja dulu, thank you bagi yang lagi baca ini (walaupun ternyata yang baca ini cuma lalat yang tiba-tiba muncul di layar komputer gue) hehe byee!

P.S : Ini ada sebuah foto berjudul "Daydream' di deviantart yang gue suka banget karena cahayanya <3