Tuesday, 30 August 2011

20 People I'd Love To Marry

Today is the last day of Ramadhan Month. So I want to say Happy Ied Mubarak 1432 H to all of the moslems in the world!

Anyway, this morning when I opened twitter, some people on my timeline were tweeting about #2opeopleidmarry. And that is obviously one thing I often daydream about, so here is the list of names I'd like to marry if I could (not in particular order)

1. John Gomez

Because he's charming, cute, looks genuine and down to earth, wise, funny, he plays guitar in my favorite band (The Summer Set), and mmm... have I already said he's charming? I love his attitude. He can sometimes act like a kid, but then when you need him to be serious about something, he will. He's really bad at spelling but I always find it funny. The most important thing is, he's so inspirational and he can always make me smile.

2. Nick Jonas

He's also charming, cute, and looks genuine. Not to say that his band is the first pop rock band I've ever loved. Before that, I never liked anything that close to rock music. Then, he acts so mature and I love that. And ooh he wears a purity ring. He gained my respect because of that.

3. Tom Felton

Should I explain? I guess almost every girls in this world love him. No? Okay. He's just so charming with his accent and he plays his character really well in Harry Potter series.

4. Kris Allen

He started out as an underdog in American idol, but then when he started to play instruments in his performances, I fell in love. But too bad he seems to love his wife so much so.. there's no chance for me *sigh*

5. Cameron Mitchell

Once you watch The Glee Project, it's so hard not to fall in love with him. He stays true to himself, that's what matter the most.

6. Damian McGinty

His accent is so cute, his face is so cartoon-ish, he's Cameron's best friend, and he's one of the reasons why I watch The Glee Project.

7. Ashton Kutcher

It's hard not to fall in love with this kind of bad-boy-whose-smile-is-so-too-charming-to-be-true.

8. Andrew Richards

I started to love him the first time I saw him when I won a meet and greet session with his band (HelloGoodbye) last year. Since then, I couldn't stop admiring him. He's super nice, gorgeous, and looks kinda innocent. The only problem is, he loves cats so much that I think he'd rather marry a cat than marry me. Sad.

9. Riley McDonough

When I heard his song, I liked his band. When I watched his band's video, I had a crush on him. But by the time I read his tweets, I fell in love with him. He's a genius!

10. Joe Jonas

It might be not fair to put two brothers in this list but what can I do if the members of this family are just so gorgeous?

11. Logan Henderson

He plays a very cute, funny, and stupid character in Big Time Rush. It's hard not to laugh when you see him.
12. Matt Lanter

If there's no Matt Lanter in 90210, I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna watch it anymore. But since he plays this bad-on-the-outside-yet-so-sweet-on-the-inside role, it's hard to try to stop watching it.

13. Martin Johnson

He is so nice to his fans, he has a good style, and I just love him in general.

14. Rupert Grint

Other than the fact that he is cute, he is also funny. And he made me fall in love with Ron character in Harry Potter.

15. Stephen Gomez

If I can't get John Gomez, maybe I'll turn to his brother, Stephen. He's cute and all like his brother, but something that makes me them really different is, while John loves to smile and share his wise thoughts, Stephen hates life and tends to be sarcastic.

16. Skandar Keynes

Whenever I see him, I feel like I'm seeing this perfect fairy tale prince.

Okay I'm getting clueless right now so these last 4 people might not be the one I really want to marry but I'm gonna keep writing it down

17. Justin Bieber
Because he's rich and I want his money. Also because by dating him, I'm pretty sure I'll be famous. HA!

18. Bruno Mars
Because I want him to sing me love songs and make me feel like the most amazing girl in this world. I want him to catch a grenade for me and say that I'm amazing just the way I am.

19. Steve Jobs
Because I freaking want all of those apple products. But well he's retired...

20. Colonel Harland Sanders
Because I love KFC and I think he's a genius for creating something like that!

P.S : Spend 7 minutes of your day by watching this Q&A Video by John Gomez. This is probably my favorite Q&A video ever.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Tough Times Do Not Last. Tough People Do.

At the end of each day, good or bad, be thankful. If we never had bad days then the good days wouldn't stand out.

- Jonathan Cook

Sometimes my life doesn't go the way I want it to be. Sometimes it goes rough and messy. So bad that I feel like crying in my room alone while listening to sad emo songs. My heart falls into pieces. I breathe but I don't feel alive. But that's life.

In this life I've learned, that having a bad day is normal. That those tough times won't last forever. That even if we make a mistake and things go wrong, life still goes on. Even if we can't make it right this time, we've learned something. And I know with every mistakes I make, I get one step closer to the great person I want to be.

I know we all have heard 'life goes on!' so many times in our life before that sometimes it loses its meaning. But if George Carlin could write those lines after his wife died, why do we spend our whole day crying in our room when we gain 1 kg or we only get B in our final exam? Remember what Jonathan Cook once said, "tough times do not last. Tough people do." So be tough! I hope we can all keep that in mind.

PS : I know it's late but happy Ramadhan Month to all of the moslems in this world! May each moment of this holy month is filled with God's blessings. Amin!