Friday, 12 August 2011

Tough Times Do Not Last. Tough People Do.

At the end of each day, good or bad, be thankful. If we never had bad days then the good days wouldn't stand out.

- Jonathan Cook

Sometimes my life doesn't go the way I want it to be. Sometimes it goes rough and messy. So bad that I feel like crying in my room alone while listening to sad emo songs. My heart falls into pieces. I breathe but I don't feel alive. But that's life.

In this life I've learned, that having a bad day is normal. That those tough times won't last forever. That even if we make a mistake and things go wrong, life still goes on. Even if we can't make it right this time, we've learned something. And I know with every mistakes I make, I get one step closer to the great person I want to be.

I know we all have heard 'life goes on!' so many times in our life before that sometimes it loses its meaning. But if George Carlin could write those lines after his wife died, why do we spend our whole day crying in our room when we gain 1 kg or we only get B in our final exam? Remember what Jonathan Cook once said, "tough times do not last. Tough people do." So be tough! I hope we can all keep that in mind.

PS : I know it's late but happy Ramadhan Month to all of the moslems in this world! May each moment of this holy month is filled with God's blessings. Amin!


  1. wow i love your take on life!
    ...and those wonderful qoutes only further consolidate your point!

  2. wonderful qoutes dear :)
    thanks for your comment on my blog btw ♥

    itu foto aku di kamar sendiri :) hehehe .
    and btw , wanna follow each other ?

  3. aku tempelin pakek koran sis :) hehe . waah sayang bgt , kenapa dilepas ?

    follow you back now :) btw ,salam kenal ya :D

  4. ooh hehe kirain dirumah kamu :D
    aku lulus SMA tahun ini , tapi belum kuliah . kamu ? :)

  5. love that quote by Jonathan Cook. yes life is scary and crazy, but it goes on :)
    anyway, I got my cupcakesin a bakery in Malang named "breadii" hehe. I guess nowday you can order cupcake like that in most of bakery :)

  6. hey, i like the quotation :)

    anyway, thanx for dropping by on the other day. may i follow ur blog?

  7. I agree we absolutely need to be thankful for each day.

  8. lovely post !

  9. oh I love that quotes..

    yeah,, I know what you feel. I sometimes feel it too. and yeah,, that's just human feelings. stay strong!! :)

    oh ya,, are you an architect? cuz I love that kind of umm art and design things too..

  10. Such an inspirational post :)

  11. great post! very enlightening!!!
