Sunday, 23 January 2011

Wait and See!

I am the kind of girl who enjoys reading books, but never writes her own book.
I am the kind of girl who loves art, but never creates her own art work.
I am the kind of girl who likes music, but never learn how to play any instruments.
I am the kind of girl who admires clothes in fashion magazines, but never really have the gut to wear those things.
I am the kind of girl who can spend a lot of money in dvds cause she loves movies so much, but never try to make her own film.

I am the kind of person who is just an audience, never an actress. I watch everyone get success, clap for them, congratulate them, wondering how good life is for people like them, and that’s it. I never try to make my own successful story. I thought it’s just the way I am. But then I realized. I can change. I can write my own story. An amazing journey to my wonderful success. And I guess, you all just need to wait and see! ;)


  1. Really inspiring :)

    Love, Vanilla

  2. cute! and thanks for your comment on my blog :)
    you can follow if you like! xx

  3. oh my goodness I can relate to this post so well! Can't wait to see what's in your future :)

  4. this is exactly how I feel sometimes. I hope you will make your way :)))!!!
    thanks for the lovely comment :). yeah, it is a German song. but I think, even if you can't understand the meaning, the melody is quite wonderful, isn't it :D?

  5. girlll, you can do it! i'm excited for you.

  6. you have so much waiting for you in life! <3 you just gotta find your passion and live by the sun and love by the moon. (: you will do fabulously, i know.

  7. Beautiful post, and you'll do very well in life, just find a passion! Thanks for the comment, sorry for the late reply! New post up :)

  8. it's so weird how i've been meaning to do a post that's somewhat like this too. loved this (: (: you're awesome. don't ever forget that.

  9. Aw this is really inspiring. When first reading it I thought, "Oops, that's describing me, right there." LOL.

  10. you ought to blog more often womann!!

  11. this is really lovely! thank you for your comment.
