Sunday 13 March 2011

Pencil vs Camera

I'm going to be 17 on the last day of this month. Yep, 17. You know in some country people say you turn into an adult when you're 16. Or maybe 18. But in my country, it happens when you turn 17. I'll get an ID card. So yes, it's kinda big for me. I don't think I'm ready yet. *sigh*

Anyway, let's move on. Do you know Ben Heine? I won't blame you if you don't. Me myself just happened to know him this afternoon when I was browsing deviantArt. He is an amazing artist. He has so many lovely artworks on his deviantArt gallery, but my favorite is on his Penvil vs Camera album. It's so cool I can't even describe it. So you might have to see it yourself. Here are some of the pictures in that album.

See? Those are amazing, right? So, come on. go to his deviantArt gallery. Or maybe to his website. It's worth it :)


  1. Oh man, this is amazinggggg!

  2. These photos are BEYOND AMAZING. Thanks for the comment too, new post up :)

  3. those are so amazing!! WOW! and yay for turning 17!! :)

  4. These photos are amazing!
    Thank you for lovely comment.
    Want to follow each other?

  5. thanks for entering my giveaway!

    these drawings/ photos are so cool!

    Vintage Stop at

  6. these are some pretty far-out stuff!! thanks for sharing :D :D and what country are you from? in mine, we get our official ID's at age 12.

  7. i'm from malaysia! it's so weird that you guys have to wait that long to get an ID :o :o thanks for the welcome back btw. i think you're the only one who really noticed me gone. haha.

  8. this is SO cool!!! I wish I could draw like that.

  9. Oh my gosh those are so cool! I wish I could do that! Thanks for sharing them :D

  10. Thank you!
    I am following you now :)

  11. yeah sometimes i disable comments on posts so don't worry, it's not you. lol. yes i've been to indonesia... bali! twice. but never jakarta or anywhere else. i plan to though!!
