Thursday, 3 February 2011

Never a Good Thing

My little brother is having a crush on a girl from his school whose class is next to his. He started to spend most of his time at home by locking himself inside his room and just chat via msn or facebook with that girl. If he’s chatting with that girl, he won’t leave it, even to eat. He lost 2 kgs. It’s starting to make me worry. I think he likes this girl too much. And I’ve learned that the word ‘too’ – as used in ‘too much’, ‘too risky’, ‘too small’, and so on – is never a good thing. On this post, I’ll talk about the word ‘too much’.

Have you ever thought what it would be like if you have too much money? Faaar too much than what you need. Will you feel save? Will you feel loved? Well for all of you who answered ‘yes’ to that question, you might have to think over. Will you feel save? “Yes!” you said, because you thought whatever happens, you can deal it. Money rules the world, right? And people will surely love you as you can give them whatever they ask if you want to, and all they need to do is be your bestfriend or lover, right? But hey, if I had too much money than the amount I’ve ever needed, I think I’m not gonna feel save. Maybe everytime I see people around me, I’d be scared that they’re actually trying to steal my money. And I’d be scared that people never actually love me for who I am. They just love me because of the things I’m capable of doing. And will I be happy? I don’t think so.

That thing also occurs for love. When you love something – or in this case, someone - too much, you might not care about anything else in this world except that person/thing. You might hurt other people’s feelings just to make that person you love too much feel better. You might let go an opportunity to study abroad and become a succesful accountant, because it means you have to go far far away from the people that you love, and you almost can’t spend just one day without seeing their faces. You might suffer anorexia cause your passion for being a ballerina is too big and has become an obsession.

When you have something and love something too much, it doesn’t guarantee you a good life. Sometimes it just gives you the opposite. What I’m trying to tell is, love everyone around you, be grateful for everything you have, create your dreams and try to reach it, but never love them too much and never let those things control you. Because one day, you’re going to lose them.

*Special thanks to TeSIS 8'12 Group 23 for making me think this way.


  1. your blog is great, keep up the good work! and thanks for checking out my blog!

  2. really great post :) Thank you for the comment on my blog :)

    Love, Vanilla

  3. You said this soo beautifully:)
    Thanks for the inspiration {and comment on my blog, Oh, Deer}!

  4. what an amazing post, you can really write, my dear!

  5. taking a quote from a movie:
    just do what you love, and F*** the rest

  6. Crushes can often be very strong and all-encompassing. Hopefully this is just a passing phase for your brother and soon he will go back to also enjoying he other interests (as well as the girl perhaps!)

  7. Great writing, and wow a bit obsessive (probably just a phase though),Thanks for the lovely comment :)

  8. very me thinking

  9. No problem, sure. :DD I'll check out your new blog. :) Btw, what's your tumblr acc? Maybe we could follow each other =)

  10. wonderful post!! and I agree with Izzy it's probably just a phase. I used to lock myself in my room and go on the computer all the time but that went away ha.

  11. mine is =))

  12. what an honest--and heartfelt--post! this is totally true, my dear. Loving too much doesn't equal a good life...but it's certain to teach you a lesson! so happy to have you following along, my dear. can't wait to read more from you! xoxo {av}

  13. Thanks for sharing, dear! I think you can never love too much! I mean, perhaps you do sacrifice a great job opportunity or a trip to Hawaii because you don't want to leave your loved one... but I think if you do make that decision, it's because you think that being with your loved one is SO much better than that job or that trip to Hawaii... that if you went to take that job or that vacation, you'd spend all your time thinking about your loved one that you left. But at the same time, I don't think you necessarily have to be together to love each other! For example, my boyfriend and I have been dating long distance for nearly three years now and are in more love with each other than a lot of couples that see each other every day! :]

  14. nice blog and posts!thanks for sharing!when it comes to love i save my words..i hope everything goes to the best!
    looking forward to seeing u on my blog as well!!
    kisses from greece!

  15. really inspiring post! thanks for sharing
