Friday, 18 February 2011


There is a memory in my heart today
That passing years cannot take away
An empty space no one can fill
I love you still and always will
The tears in my eyes, I can wipe away
But the ache in my heart still always stay

- Achmad Bakrie -

I was supposed to bring a biography book of a famous Indonesian person last Wednesday. But then I forgot to bring one. Silly me. Thank God there are some biography books in my school's library so I borrowed one. The book that I borrowed is about Achmad Bakrie. I haven't heard about him before. Turns out, he is the father of that famous Afrizal Bakrie. What surprised me is the fact that Achmad Bakrie loved to write some poems, and I think his poems are beautiful.

So anyway, this week has been one gloomy-no spirit-feels like crying week. But even in the most difficult times of your life, you can still find some good things. Here are some positive things from my week so far :
1. I've been trying to forgive myself better than before. I think you wont be able to live happily if you still think about yourself as a girl-who-has-too-many-faults.
2. It shows me that us, students in 8 shs, are a real family. We support each other, we console each other, we try to make each other smile, because we are one. Together, better, stronger!
3. I have the best of best friends anyone can ever ask for. On Tuesday, since it was a holiday, I went to PIM with two of them, which are Nadea and Nisa. We talked and they made me feel better and happier. After that, Nadea and I went to watch No Strings Attached and Nisa watched another movie with her bf. Wanna know my opinion about the movie? Here it is : Ashton Kutcher is so handsome and hot and cute and Natalie Portman makes me jealous. Hahaha
4. I've been trying to ignore some negative thoughts that people said. I think my life is complicated enough to even care about those things. I want to bring some positive energy to everyone.
5. I feel blessed because I am still alive and surrounded by so many lovely people. Including my blog friends :)


  1. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. Yes, you are right. The world is too short to think about the negative. :) Team Positive!

  2. Thanks for your comment :) Lovely writing x

  3. do you like ashton kutcher too??me too..he's so cute:)
    let's be friend and following each other, let me know with your comment in my post, cheer yaa ;)

  4. This poem is beautiful! And I need to make a list of positive things ASAP. It's in these stressed times that you need to be grateful for the little things in your life, right? :)

    PS: Ashton Kutcher = hotttttttttt (I've had the hugest crush on him ever since his Dude where's my car days :P)


  5. Too true, best to think positive and things will become positive. Fresh starts are always amazing. Thanks for the wonderful comment, new post up!

  6. I'm glad you liked No Strings Attached! I really want to see it! :)

    Better Than a Milk Mustache

  7. My sister and i went to see No Strings Attached and she just loves Ashton Kutcher!! he's a total cutie and Natalie portman always makes me jealous she is so tiny!!

  8. Ima this was so sweet and thought provoking!

  9. Hi!

    Thank you for commenting in your blog. I'm following back so we can get in touch.

    I'm a fan of poetry too. :)
