Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Craving for These

I really really want to have a software of home design, and so far, this one is my favorite

Interior Designer 9.0

This is really the kind of software that I've been looking for. You can find the info and watch the product tutorial here. When I watched the tutorial video, I knew that it was not so easy at the beginning, but once you've made the shape of the room, the fun will begin!!! :D Aaah really really want to buy this software, it's not that expensive actually, only $79, but still, I dont have that amount of money and my parents won't buy it for me :'( So, does anyone want to buy it for me? *kedip-kedip mata sebelah minta dibeliin* haha :p

Then, this magazine

Bravacasa Edisi Mei-Juli 2010, Rp 59.000

Sebenernya gue mau ini udah lumayan lama sih sejak bulan lalu tapi ga kebeli-beli. Tiap ngeliat majalah ini pasti uang pas-pasan. Tiap ada duit malah dipake buat makan -___- Aaah ayo mulai sekarang beneran mau nabung biar bisa beli segala macem yang diinginkan dengan uang sendiri. Amin amin amin!

Doakan ya semua biar aku bisa beli 2 barang ini. Atau kalau perlu yang lebih bagus lagi! Amin amin amin! Thank yoou! :D


  1. the software sounds interesting but what excatly does it do ? is it for home design and you can just views how it will look on the computer?
