Saturday, 5 June 2010

Sumatif Week

What do you think when you first read or hear about that? Well the first thing that comes to my mind is... tiring. Sleepy all day because I cant get enough sleep. Stressful. Adrenaline rush (haha). Feeling stupid all the time. And other not-so-good stuffs.

Well this week is a sumatif week, and so next week. I'm feeling so tired. But since today is Saturday and I dont have to go to school, I can have a little rest so last night I slept at 8 and it feels like 'Aah finally!!!'

Anyway, I hope I really did my best on these five past days (and also on next week). I really really want to make my parents proud and happy. Ooh and I also hope my brother can get good scores too. I wish I can have a fun holiday and I cannot have it if my parents are not happy with our scores.

To study or not to study? It's our own choice. Just try to pick the right answer that we wont regret later.

Wish me luck people, Tadaa!! ;)

P.S : Found the photo on Ameenex's dA ;)

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