Sunday, 20 June 2010

Que Sera Sera

Who Will I Be?

That's a very important question that keeps coming back into my brain. As I said, I want to be an architect or an interior designer. But what if I cannot do that? I mean, being an architect must be very difficult. Some people say it's even harder than being a doctor. Maybe in college, I won't sleep at all for two nights long because I need to finish a project. Aaah I don't know, my parents told me to think about being something else, but I don't know what. I really really love these whole architectural things even tho I don't really know anything about it. Yeah sorry I keep saying 'I don't know'.

I hope I will find the answer soon because I don't want to live and expecting to be an architect while deep down, I realize I couldn't. Or what if I realize I can but my parents still don't think it is a good idea? Oooh I know they told me to become a doctor just because they love me. But I hope in the end they'll be just fine if I choose to become an architect as long as it makes me happy.

Architectural kit, found it here

God, please tell me the answer!!!!

P.S : Mau bagi rapot nih hari Sabtu, semoga masuk jurusan yang terbaik deh! Mungkin ini bisa dijadikan pertanda juga, kalo masuk IPA, ya kemungkinan besar ngambil arsitektur, kalo IPS ya ngambil akutansi mungkin! Anyway, thank you for reading this unimportant post! (If someone is)


  1. Arsitek fun kok, kata kk gw yg anak arsitektur pada stylish anak2nya lol. Arsitek itu lebih nyantai, jgn bandingin ama dokter (kerjaannya kan fun!). Kk gw yg keterima kedokteran iseng ikut SPMB sekali lagi dgn belajar ala kadarnya keterima arsitektur ITB kok. Lo pasti bisa lah ma.

  2. *According to my sis, 8 itu pelajarannya susah2 supaya bikin pondasi yg kuat buat menghadapi tes-tes buat UI dan ITB. Liat aja yg masuk 2 universitas itu ada brapa. Jadi pede aja!

  3. uuw thank you komz atas supportnya! :') asik deh stylish nanti gue kalo ke kampus pake boots dan belt trs baju dimasukin dalam jeans deh. Terus pake topi juga dan naik kuda (ini mau kuliah apa jadi cowgirl?) haha. Sebenernya takut pas udah masuknya sih kom jadi stress ngegambar gt, tp kalo suka nanti bisa ilang sendiri ya stressnya, ya ga? Haha once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH KOOM!! XOXO

  4. gw ngakak kebayang lo beneran kea gitu

  5. please ga usah dibayangin deh jadi malu *blushing* hahahaha
